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February’s race report.

There’ll be two sections to these reports, physical races and Virtual races, first off in the real world:

Time Trials:

The 10mile Coalville Wheelers Open TT 24th Feb. A cool dry day, not much by way of wind, nearly 500ft of climbing over the 10mile course, so quite hilly.

Steve Jones RB – 29.:46

Ivan Lucas RB – 26:30

Adam Gardner TT – 27:49

Stuart Faver TT – 26:53

Andy Mackay TT – 26:05

Mick Stevens TT – 25:58

Martin Fisher TT – 23:30

Martin Fisher’s time secured him 4th overall in the TT bike category. In case you are thinking ‘am I fast enough’ the slowest Road Bike was 40:41 and the slowest TT was 34:31, the field looks to be 50:50 road and TT bikes.



Zwift racing is category based:

·         Cat E is open, there are no power limits you are competing against anyone that wants to race.

·         Cat D is up to about 2.6W/Kg, it varies a little by race organiser, but you are competing against people of a similar power level, obviously weight impacts climbs and descents, but you need to learn to use what you’ve got to work with.

·         Cat C is up to about 3.4W/Kg.

·         Cat B is up to about 4.0W/Kg.

·         We won’t talk about the lofty heights of Cat A, yet.

So far as I know there were 7 riders actively racing, in alphabetical order, I’m not going to be worried about 1st and 2nd claim for virtual racing.

Charlotte Dadd; a 10 mile TT, open category

Chris Booth; 2 Cat C races, mid table results

Chris Glover; 3 Cat D races, 2 top 10’s and an 11th.  

Chris Schofield; 3 Races and 3 Time trails, one top 10, and a range of other results.

Ivan Lucas; no results showing up on zwift power yet, but has completed a 17 week long competition with the Coalville Wheelers provisionally leading the 2nd claim side of their competition.

Martin Fisher; 1 Crit Cat B, 3rd place, and 2 TT’s Cat E, mid 20’s.

Mick Stevens; 3 Time Trials al Cat E so open to all, solid efforts, getting close to the top of Cat C.

Paul Martorano; 4 Cat D races, 2x 1st place, 1x 3rd place and one mid pack.

Steve Jones; 2 races, Cat D, 7th and 12th.

Susan Pettingill; 4 Team Time trials and 3 other races, 2 top tens and a good set of mid range results.

Great efforts by everyone involved, keep it up, it’s only a month until the weather does something different, no idea what though.

Join the team here: if you want your results included, I know there were a few more, indeed some returning to being competitive after some time away.

The races are easy to get into, and whilst being very different to normal racing and a completely different kind of race craft they are very very good training sessions.


What do you want to see on the reporting? I could easily add it as a table, reporting on each race, maybe including overall w/kg, along with the race details. If that helps you think, could I give it a go, then it’s worth it, and the answer will always be yes.

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